How to screw up your preparation-
Sounds peculiar??
Yeah, you have read it right.
Everyone suggests ,"how to prepare for the exam".
But this post will help you to know what are the obstacles between you and your success.
These are basic yet useful tips. I hope you would like it. 😊
1. Too much use of social media-
We are in an era of technology. Many of us are tech freaks. We use instagram to show how much famous we are and how many pouts we can make 😉. We use facebook for the thirst of likes as if it is the only source to fill our empty stomach 😉. We swipe right if we want to hook up and if someone is not that smart then we immediately swipe left. That is what our life has become. We are just plummeting in the mire of illusion of social media.
Guys, if you really want to do something bigger and better in your life then just note down my suggestion, "avoid social media".
I am not saying to deactivate your account.
I am just trying to say that fix a definite time for all these things. Fix a time when you will use social media. This is just applicable during preparation phase.
After selection, do whatever you want. But till your selection, you should curtail the time limit devoted on social medias.
Now Many of you will say that we have already cracked the exam without avoiding social media. Guys, here I am referring to mediocre students like me. Super brilliant students can manage everything 😊.
But if one is mediocre in studies then one should limit one's use of social media.
2. Mai Alcoholic hu-
Many of you would have addcited to alcohol That's all right. But scientific studies has shown that alcohol affects your memory.
Many of you would have used alcohol when you were very much depressed or your preparation was not going the way you want. But it's not the solution of your problem. Always remember, you can't tackle a situation by avoiding the problem. You will have to face it. You will have to defeat it. 😊
So, limit the use of alchol.
3. Casual relationships-
All of us love to flirt. It feels good when one talks to opposite sex. Many of us indulge ourselves in casual relationships.
Sometimes these casual relationships turn out to be complicated relationships. It's very hard to get out of it. If you are in casual relationships during your preparation time then it definitely affects your studies. You become used to it. You start avoiding your studies and your whole time motions around these relationships and their complications. So avoid these relationships atleast at the time of preparation phase 😉.
4. Too much books-
I always get a lot of messages regarding books. If I suggest some books to somone then they ask about other writers' books.
Guys, always remember "quality matters, not quantity".
Limit your books. Pick up good books and read it time and again. It's better to complete one or two books of one subject instead of reading 10 books of a particular subject because by reading 10 books, you will just mess up everything. Always avoid it .
These are the tips to screw up your preparation 😜
Always remember, nothing is impossible , even impossible says, I+M+POSSIBLE. 😊
Good luck. 😊
P.S.-Avoid grammatical errors,if any.
Nice sagar